LowTech Pale Ale v4
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LowTech Pale Ale v3 |
OG 1.046/ IBU ~40/ SRM ~7/ 41L
80% OiO 2-Row
13% Weyermann Light Munich
07% Muntons Dark Crystal 240
6.35 AAU (1/2oz) Chinook @ 60 minutes
5.60 AAU (1.0oz) Willamette @ 20 minutes
24.6 AAU (2.0oz) Nelson Sauvin @ 10 minutes
8.00 AAU (1.0oz) Amarillo @ 10 minutes
2.80 AAU (1/2oz) Willamette @ 1minutes
6.15 AAU (1/2oz) Nelson Sauvin @ 1 minutes
Dry hop with 1/2oz of each Chinook & Amarillo for 7 days
Brewed May 26th
Mashed in at 152F, mashed for 70 minutes before collecting 44L pre-boil volume. Topped up with 2L of straight water for a final pre-boil volume of 46L. Boiled for 70 minutes adding hops as scheduled above. Whirlfoc added at 5 min remaining in boil. Chilled to ~19c. Was attempting to use a new hop screen which failed miserably. Part way through the transfer to fermenters, I lost prime. After losing a few liters of wort attempting to reprime my pump, I opted to use my auto-siphon for the remaining wort. Two fermenters filled with about 19L in each. Each fermenter received half the cake reserved from LowTech Blonde v3 (making this yeast pitch 2nd generation or 2nd time used). Yeast was about 2 weeks removed from the Blonde, no starter used. Removed from fridge, partially decanted and pitched cold to new home. 2 tsp Gypsum, 2 tsp Calcium Chloride, 1 tsp Epsom Salts added to mash for a pH of 5.49. Final water numbers:
Ca 77, Mg 10, Na 18, Cl 66, SO4 141
Brewday observations:
- Don't use a hop screen with my setup, doesn't work.
- The crystal malt is much darker than I expected. This wort appears more amber in colour.
- During the mess up with the pump and prime, I had way too much direct contact with the wort, infection a possibility.
- Used carboys as opposed to pails for the first time in a while, not sure why.
- Not sure if my efficiency is high than expected or perhaps due to my loses, SG = 1.0481 (11.92°P) which is about ~86% mash efficiency.
Update May 27th
Woke this morning to find the airlock on both fermenters in the "up position". A light layer of Krausen present on both carboys. Wort temperature ~18.5c (65F)
Update May 28th
Both carboys showing high Krausen. Steady movement on each airlock. Wort temperature has hit 21c.
Update June 2nd
One carboy racked to secondary with 1oz of Nelson Sauvin. Decided to use up the little that was left. I sampled and it's very hoppy! I might not even dry hop the second carboy.
Update June 3rd
Racked the fermenter which didn't have the dry hops to keg.
Update June 5th
Co2 pressure bumped to 40psi. Samples are bitter and hoppy. Looking forward to trying this carbonated.
Update June 8th
Second fermenter racked beer to keg, pressure set to 12psi
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