- 40L APA - 2-Row, Vienna, C60 & Wheat malt with Columbus, Simcoe & Amarillo hops
- 40L SMaSH - Vienna malt & Citra hops
- 40L Mild - MO, C60 & Pale Chocolate malt with Styrian Goldings hops
For the APA, I plan to use White Labs English Dry Yeast - WLP007. To suppress ester production, this batch will be closely controlled in the fermentation freezer . The plan is to complete the bulk of fermentation at the strains lowest optimal temperature, 18c/65F. The yeast was harvested from LowTech Blonde v4 (June 26th) making this the 5th pitch. Last evening, approximately 250ml of solid slurry was pitched to 1.4L of 1.037 starter. After a day on the stir plate this should result in an anticipated cell count of 400B, enough for 40L of 1.056 Ale.
For the SMaSH, I plan to pitch Safale S-04 in one fermenter and Danstar BRY-97 in the other. This batch will not be temperature controlled. I will be at the mercy of my cold room's ambient temperature. As of last night, this was 18c/65F. So depending on how much heat each strain will generate, I may be pushing low 70's at the height of fermentation. I plan to hydrate each dry yeast using 110ml of 38c/100F bottled spring water. The dry yeast will be sprinkled evenly over top of the water and left to rest for 15 minutes after which the yeast will be re-suspended and left for 5 minutes. At this point you attemperate with wort to within 10c of the pitch temperature. From the reviews I've read on BRY-97, it does benefit from re-hydration.
For the Mild, the plan is to pitch Burton Ale Yeast - WLP023 to one fermenter and British Ale Yeast - WLP005 to another. Again, no temperature control beyond the ambient of my cold room. Approximately 150ml of WLP023 was harvested on June 24th will be added (2nd pitch) directly without a starter. Yeast calc indicates a viability of 80% which results in a cell count of 120B. The recommendation is 140B for 20L of 1.038 Ale. Close enough I say. The WLP005 was certainly getting long in the tooth. 190ml was harvested on March 27th. Yeast calc pegs the viability at 39%. After 1.2L of 1.037 starter, the resulting cell count should be in the neighborhood of 120B. Again, slightly low of the 140B target but close enough I say. This will be the yeast's 5th pitch.
Update July 19th
Both starters WLP007 & WLP005 appear to have fermented out. When I woke this morning I found that both were starting to clear. Both starters were placed into the fridge to crash remaining yeast, perhaps I can decant some of the starter liquid.
First up this evening is the Citra SMaSH. Paired with 9kg of Vienna Malt for 40 Liters @ 1.050 & 37 IBU. I treated my water with 1 tsp Gypsum, 2 tsp Calcium Chloride and 1 tsp Epsom for a room temp mash pH of 5.49. An additional 1 tsp of Gypsum added to the boil. Whirlfloc with 5 min remaining. Hops at 60 (9g), 30 (15g), 5 (120g), and will dry hop each keg with an additional 60g. As noted, will pitch BRY-97 and S-04 to this batch. Water numbers: Ca 71, Mg 9, Na 18, Cl 61, S04 132.
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100% Vienna Malt |
Update July 20th
Hydrated both yeasts as described and pitched to SMaSH this morning @ 10am.
Mashed in on the APA/WLP007. Hit mash temp of 67c/152F. 7kg OiO 2-Row, 2kg Vienna, 500g CaraMunich 1, 500g Wheat Malt for 40L @ 1.056 and 41 IBU. Treated water with 1 tsp Gypsum, 2 tsp Calcium Chloride, 1 tsp Epsom for a room temp mash pH of 5.6 (forgot Acid Malt). Additional 1 tsp Gypsum to the boil as well as 1 tab Whirlfloc @ 5min. Hops @ 60 (18g Columbus), 30 (15g Simcoe, 15g Amarillo), 5 (60g Simcoe, 60g Amarillo). Each keg with receive a dry hop addition of 30g Simcoe, 30g Amarillo. As noted, will pitch WLP007 to each fermenter and this batch will be controlled in the freezer @ 18c/65F. Water numbers: Ca 70, Mg 9, Na 18, Cl 60, S04 129. Finished with 2x20L @ 1.059 OG.
As of 2:20pm this afternoon, both SMaSH fermenters are showing air-lock activity. That's about 4hrs from pitching! Cold room sits @ 19c/66F.
Pitched the WLP007 @ 9pm. Wort temp was down to 15c. Controller set to 18c.
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APA heading to the Primary |
Update July 21st
I don't have another 40L brewday in me. I decided to mash only 20L of the Mild which is obviously much quicker. When running off to the fermenter, I intend to reserve 500ml of the wort and pitch to the WLP005 which has been waiting in the fridge, this should wake it up and build the cell count a little more. Will pitch tonight.
Mashed at 67c for 50m before beginning mash-out. 2.7kg of MO, 600g of Muntons 150 (57L), 200g of Wheat malt and 120g of Pale Chocolate malt from TF&S for 1.036 @ 14 IBU. Styrian Goldings (30g) added @ 30m. 1tsp Calcium Chloride added to the mash for a pH of 5.56. Additional 1 tsp of Calc Chlor and 1 tsp of Epsom added to the boil, Final water: Ca 66, Mg 15, Na 18, Cl 106, S04 81.
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The setup for this weekend |
Pitched WLP005 @ 8pm. WLP007 batch has beginning stages of Krausen in both fermenters. BRY-97 still pushing the airlock but nothing in the way of Krausen. S-04 looks like it may be half way done LOL!
Update July 22nd
5 fermenters rocking this morning. Krausen on the S-04 Citra SMaSH has fallen. The BRY-97 is nearing peak. Both WLP007 APA's are showing full krausen. The WLP005 I pitched last evening (after a couple more hours on the stir plate with batch fresh wort) is popping the airlock at a steady pace. It's ALIVE!
Update July 26th
As of this morning, only the BRY-97 still has krausen. All other fermenters have fallen. I only have a single available keg so I for foresee some decent conditioning time for most of the beers.
Update August 3rd
Kegged 1 fermenter of APA @ 1.014 (7.8% brix = 3.55°P), ~5.8% ABV
Update August 6th
Kegged both Vienna SMaSH and the Mild. Bone head move on the Mild, started racking the beer to keg before dumping the 1/2 gallon of Starsan, DOH! Dumped at least 2 gallons of Mild before continuing to rack the remaining beer. The Vienna SMaSH fermented with S04 was near crystal clear heading into the keg. The BRY-97 looks quite cloudy, hopefully the cold conditioning will help. Same with the WLP005 Mild, very cloudy and somewhat yeasty smelling while heading to the keg. I neglected to take FG on any of these beers.
The remaining 1 fermenter of APA was racked to a secondary to further condition and clear. I didn't have any additional kegs.
Update Sept 22nd
Final carboy of the APA racked to keg, FG 1.010, no dry-hops. Didn't like how this one turned out so I didn't want to waste the hops. This second carboy sampled much nicer than the first.
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